Arrival of Washington in Boston
200€ High Relief Gold Coin - Antique Finish yeardate 2021

More Information
Diameter 34 mm
Metal GOLD 999‰
Weight 31.1 g
Qualité Historical
Mintage 250
Millésime 2021
Valeur faciale 200€
• Celebrating US Independence History• New technical feat High Relief on both sidesStarting in 2020, Monnaiede Paris will retrace the history of American Independence through a collectionof coins. The designs of the coins are directly inspired by ...
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Arrival of Washington in Boston 200€ High Relief Gold Coin Antique Finish yeardate 2021


    • Celebrating US Independence History

    • New technical feat High Relief on both sides

    Starting in 2020, Monnaiede Paris will retrace the history of American Independence through a collectionof coins. The designs of the coins are directly inspired by historical productspublished by Monnaiede Paris: old medals from our archives. This sub-theme is part of the Great Dates of Humanity theme which began in 2019 with the fall of the Berlin Wall, the First Step on the Moon and the Dday.

    In 2020, Monnaie de Paris began the series “History of US Independency" with the arrival of La Fayette in Boston. This year, we have decided to represent the arrival of Washington in Boston.

    On the obverse, an undraped bust of George Washington facing right. Below the bust is the artist's name, "DuvivierParis F".

    The engraving is taken from an old medalstruck by Monnaie de Paris, which gives the coin authenticity.

    At the bottom of the coin is inscribed"COMITIA AMERICANA", which in Latin means "The American Congress". All around the coin, the inscription "GEORGIO WASHINGTONSVMPREMO DVCI EXERCITVVM ADSERTORI LIBERTATIS" is present, which can betranslated as "The American Congress to George Washington,General-in-Chief of the armies, the defender of freedom".

    On the reverse side, we can see Washington, on Dorchester Heights, leading its four officers on horsebacktowards the city of Boston. To the right of the coin are a fort, cannons and cannonballs lying on the ground. Washington points to the British ships fleeingthe city.

    At the top of the coin, the inscription"HOSTIBUS PRIMO FUGATIS" can be translated as "For the firsttime, the enemies are on the run »

    At the bottom, we can see the inscription"BOSTONIUM RECUPERATUM / XVII MARTI / MDCCLXXVI" which can betranslated as "Boston taken over on March 17,1776".

    The year 2021 as well as the Mintzmarkare visible at the bottom of the reverse.

    Our craftman


      Trained at the best schools, they have the years of experience behind them necessary to master all aspects of the craft. Using industrial oil-based modelling clay and working from a design executed freehand or with CAD software, they skilfully fashion a low relief model in order to enhance the engraving and the way it catches the light. They work alternately with concave and convex plaster moulds until satisfied they have achieved the best 3D rendering of the design.


      The first minters began to ply their trade in France when striking with a hammer appeared in the 4th century BC. Nowdays, minsters use press instead of a hammer. Their knowledge of dies, engraving and metals, and their expertise - passed seamlessly down from one generation to the next for centuries - guarantees the excellence of their work.