10th anniversary of Mariage for all law
10€ Silver Coin - Circulating Quality yeardate 2022

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10 ans du Mariage pour tous face 10€ argent
10th anniversary of Mariage for all law

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    More Information
    Metal SILVER 333‰
    Weight 13 g
    Qualité Uncirculated
    Mintage 10000
    Millésime 2023
    Valeur faciale 10€
    Monnaie de Paris commemorates the 10th anniversary of marriage for all law, which represents a step forward in terms of equal rights and recognition of the diversity of couples and families. Produced in partnership with SOS Homophobie, this projec...
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    10th anniversary of Mariage for all law 10€ Silver Coin Circulating Quality yeardate 2022


      Monnaie de Paris commemorates the 10th anniversary of marriage for all law, which represents a step forward in terms of equal rights and recognition of the diversity of couples and families. Produced in partnership with SOS Homophobie, this project is part of a fight against LGBTIphobia and for equality between all people, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

      Used for the first time in 1978 at the Gay Pride of San Francisco, the flag of the LGBT+ movement draws its inspiration from the shades of the rainbow, reflecting by diffraction all the colors of the human race. The two rainbows intersect in the form of the infinite, emphasizing the diversity of the human race. The colors on the bottom of the coin correspond to the colors of the "flag of progress", presenting a five-color chevron: black and brown represent marginalized people of color, and white, pink and light blue reflect the colors of the Transgender Pride flag.   

      The Collection

      Monnaie de Paris commemorates the anniversary of this law with a 10 euro silver commemorative coin and a mini-medal. All profits from the sales of the products in this collection will be donated to SOS Homophobie in order to support them in their efforts to raise awareness and inclusion.

      The anniversary of the marriage law for all is the perfect occasion to give voice to the LGBT+ community. Starting from a major advance in freedom, this collection allows us to celebrate the diversity and plurality of the human race in full color.

      Engraver word
      Marriage for all

      Our craftman


        Trained at the best schools, they have the years of experience behind them necessary to master all aspects of the craft. Using industrial oil-based modelling clay and working from a design executed freehand or with CAD software, they skilfully fashion a low relief model in order to enhance the engraving and the way it catches the light. They work alternately with concave and convex plaster moulds until satisfied they have achieved the best 3D rendering of the design.

      • THE MINTER

        The first minters began to ply their trade in France when striking with a hammer appeared in the 4th century BC. Nowdays, minsters use press instead of a hammer. Their knowledge of dies, engraving and metals, and their expertise - passed seamlessly down from one generation to the next for centuries - guarantees the excellence of their work.