2021 marks the 400th birth anniversary of the famous French poet Jean de La Fontaine and on this occasion, the artisans of the Monnaie de Paris decided to pay tribute to him with different collections of coins and medals.
To celebrate the 400th anniversary of Jean de la Fontaine’s birth, I was keen on translating his works in metallic metaphor and second degree. We have therefore created products that are full of hidden references while being figurative at the same time. Up to you to find them out!
Engraver word
Our craftman
Trained at the best schools, they have the years of experience behind them necessary to master all aspects of the craft. Using industrial oil-based modelling clay and working from a design executed freehand or with CAD software, they skilfully fashion a low relief model in order to enhance the engraving and the way it catches the light. They work alternately with concave and convex plaster moulds until satisfied they have achieved the best 3D rendering of the design.
The first minters began to ply their trade in France when striking with a hammer appeared in the 4th century BC. Nowdays, minsters use press instead of a hammer. Their knowledge of dies, engraving and metals, and their expertise - passed seamlessly down from one generation to the next for centuries - guarantees the excellence of their work.