SMILEY - 50 years
10€ Silver Coin - Circulating Quality yeardate 2021

More Information
Diameter 31 mm
Metal SILVER 333‰
Weight 17 g
Qualité Uncirculated
Mintage 15000
Millésime 2022
Valeur faciale 10€
In 2022, Smiley celebrates its fifth decade of smiles and optimism.  The emblematic yellow, round face of the brand was born on 1st, January 1972 in France, when journalist Franklin Loufrani used this infectious smile in the newspaper Fr...
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SMILEY - 50 years 10€ Silver Coin Circulating Quality yeardate 2021


    In 2022, Smiley celebrates its fifth decade of smiles and optimism.  

    The emblematic yellow, round face of the brand was born on 1st, January 1972 in France, when journalist Franklin Loufrani used this infectious smile in the newspaper France-soir in order to highlight stories which brought positive news and cheered up French people’s spirit. This  operation, called « Take the time to smile » was an immediate success.

    In 1996, the logo is relaunched and developped in other forms : a new 3D version is created and new expressions are added in. Nowadays, from the smiley to the emoticon, smiling takes multiple forms, becoming a representative of cheerfulness ! 

    On the obverse, the iconic smiley appears : round, yellow, with two dots as its eyes and an arc to depicts a smiling face. Here, the smiley acts as a part of the « 50 years of smiles » mention, which celebrates the anniversary of the most famous smile in the world, a symbol of happiness, positivity and optimism.

    On the reverse, the statement « République Française » and the value numeral are written, framed by two hexagons.

    The Collection

    Smiley was created in 1972 by French journalist Franklin Loufrani who used the Smiley logo to highlight good news in the newspaper France Soir. It's been 50 years since the Smiley infiltrated the modes of communication and became a vector of joy through the written language but also through many products around the world. Monnaie de Paris is celebrating this anniversary with a collection of mini-medals and a silver coin.

    The adaptation of the Smiley on a coin or a medal goes further than a simple pictorial retranscription. It is the very expression of Smiley's emotions and aura that allow Monnaie de Paris to perfect its tribute for the 50th anniversary of the yellow smile.

    Engraver word

    Our craftman


      Trained at the best schools, they have the years of experience behind them necessary to master all aspects of the craft. Using industrial oil-based modelling clay and working from a design executed freehand or with CAD software, they skilfully fashion a low relief model in order to enhance the engraving and the way it catches the light. They work alternately with concave and convex plaster moulds until satisfied they have achieved the best 3D rendering of the design.


      The first minters began to ply their trade in France when striking with a hammer appeared in the 4th century BC. Nowdays, minsters use press instead of a hammer. Their knowledge of dies, engraving and metals, and their expertise - passed seamlessly down from one generation to the next for centuries - guarantees the excellence of their work.