Following the postponement of the Tokyo Olympic Games, the year 2021 officially marks the beginning of the countdown to the Paris Games. Symbolized by the handing over of the Olympic flag during the closing ceremony of the games, this handing over marks the starting point of a new era of games in France.
2021 is also the first year of a quadrilogy in which sport and its values will be honored through the Monnaie de Paris' coin and medal collections.
This exclusive blister contain a colorful medallion featuring the Paris Summer Paralympic emblem.
For the first time, the Olympic and Paralympic Games share the same symbol. This one is itself made of three strong elements: the gold medal for the surpassing of oneself, the flame for the energy of sharing and of course the Marianne, icon of the republic and symbol of France.
Limited to 50,000 pieces for the Olympic version and 15,000 for the Paralympic version, these blisters are individually numbered on the back.