Broadcast for the first time in France on January 2, 2006, Naruto has quickly become an iconic work of Manga culture as well as a muse of Japanese culture throughout the world. The work tells the adventures of Naruto, a ninja apprentice in his que...
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Naruto Mystery bag Mini-medal 34 mm
Broadcast for the first time in France on January 2, 2006, Naruto has quickly become an iconic work of Manga culture as well as a muse of Japanese culture throughout the world. The work tells the adventures of Naruto, a ninja apprentice in his quest to become Hokage, the powerful and respected leader of Konoha village. An ode to determination and fighting spirit, Naruto has quickly established itself as an incarnation of the shonen genre. 20 years after the first episode of the series was broadcast in Japan, Monnaie de Paris is paying tribute to Masashi Kishimoto's iconic work by minting the first collector's coins on the most famous ninjas.
This opaque paper pouch contains a random mini-medal out of the 13 in the series. Each mini-medal is limited to 25 000 units. The colorised Kyubi mini-medal is limited to 5,000 units only!
The Collection
Collect the 13 mini medals of the iconic characters from the Naruto universe as well as the two limited edition collection coins!
Adapting Naruto and his friends on coins and medals is not an easy job. First of all, it is necessary to immerse ourselves in Masashi Kishimoto's work so that the final design corresponds to the atmosphere and the line of the original work. Monnaie de Paris is not lacking in fans of the license, so it is above all a chance for the engravers and artisans to put their know-how at the service of the famous ninja.